numero verde 800800662 [email protected]

The EcoEditor was born in May of 2016 on the initiative of Renato Ciampa and Antonia Di Nardo. It’s a young publishing house in the central town of Irpinia innovation and excellence in the fields of books, daily and online magazines. Built on the need and finding of enormous communication and information gaps, perceived both at micro and macro level.

Our ambition is to echo the silence perceived.

The company’s goal is to give a real boost to the development and further growth of the territory of belonging, social culture and southern policy especially.

The transformation of places and people with the bridge of the knowledge that, through the communication tool can become witnesses of experiences and representations of change projects. Becoming echo chamber to make modeling representations in words and images amplifying and spreading all that nourishes the land and that the land should return.

If, “the word is civilization. The word, even the most contradictory, maintains contact” as claimed by one of the most famous poets of the ‘900, Thomas Mann, then create and support everything that allows the spread of this, becomes an inescapable duty to which we can not escape.

Our first editorial exercise, “il Corsivo – Settimanale dell’Irpinia”  has strengthened our will in a short time spent to develop more ambitious projects that require the widest possible and that he will find in our editorial offices always someone to listen to it with enthusiasm and passion.

Our mission is to promote the spread of culture and ideas through products, activities and services that meet the needs and tastes of the widest possible audience. In our vision we live the love for culture and editorial quality with the laws of the market, the propensity to identify and anticipate changes while respecting and protecting of the values that underlie the role of the publisher in civil society.

The newspaper talk about the most important events of the week in matters of politics, economics, environment, land, through insights that go beyond the daily news. It focus on the opinions and profiles of the first floor of the characters social and cultural life of the province of Avellino, of which bears witness to the events setting them in the broader context of
Campania, the South and the country.

The contents of “Il Corsivo” do not belong to the lap of the news retrievable online, on TV or in newspapers. In the head of
newspaper, speeches, analysis and comments are collected in each issue on facts of public interest of the moment, written by three / four guests, independent expression of political, economic, cultural and social Irpinia.

The investigations, which are present in each edition of “Il Corsivo” concern topics of interest to families and businesses (public services Local and economics), citizens.

“Il Corsivo” was born to accompany the life of the territory and its readers through dinners events punctuate welfare, opportunities, problems, the major issues and topics of interest general.

EcoEditor s.r.l.

Contact Us

10 + 1 =

Where we are

Address: Via G. Palatucci, 20/A – 83100 Avellino

Phone: 800800662

E-mail: [email protected]

For visitors and editors,

If you want to take contacts with us  you have to compile the form on the left.